How to set up an innovation training program

You may work at a university, or you may be putting together a training program for the people at work or a new client. Either way, you’re an educator who wants to teach people about innovation and this post gives you the three steps you need to get started on building an exceptional training program. […]
Of boastful innovators and sadistic innovation managers

In my work helping large corporations innovate and transform I usually encounter two distinct types of intrapreneurs: innovator and innovation manager. What’s the difference? Innovator is passionate about delivering something new and exciting to customers, like new products or services, or wants to introduce new technologies that could dramatically alter organisations’ value chain. Innovation manager is passionate about future-proofing […]
Setting up shop as an innovation coach

SUCCEEDING AS AN INNOVATION COACH Starting out as an innovation coach is something special. Just as you’re teaching others how to innovate and succeed, you have to remember that the same lessons go for yourself and your own business. The shoemaker’s children don’t have to go barefoot, however. Here’s the bare minimum of things you […]
Clash of the social networks: Myspace’s failure to innovate

Myspace was one of the first social networking sites to reach mass adoption, and at one point it even outranked Google as the most visited site on the internet. It was founded in 2003 by several eUniverse employees who were inspired by Friendster, and wanted to make a social networking site of their own realizing […]
Three types of innovation heroes: which one are you?

At Playing Lean, our customers are heroes. Innovation heroes, to be precise. They are people who try to make the world a better place. Not necessarily by themselves, but by helping others innovate more efficiently and create new solutions to the problems we face. We usually see three types of heroes who put Playing Lean to good […]
How to sell Playing Lean workshops

Most coaches and consultants use Playing Lean as the initial part of a training session or a longer engagement. They do that because Playing Lean creates enthusiasm and makes players curious and eager to learn more. The momentum they have gained by starting off with a relevant game can be used for Lean Startup lessons, […]
How to maximise learning from Playing Lean workshops

If you finish your Playing Lean workshop when one of the teams reaches the red tile you are missing a big learning opportunity! Recollection and synthesis are an important part of an effective learning process. That’s why we always suggest you create opportunities for them in your Playing Lean workshops. How can you do that? […]
The making of Playing Lean

The road to creating any great product is a bumpy one with many learning curves. In one of our previous webinars, game creator Simen told the story of all the bumps that Playing Lean went through, and how the game went from idea to product. In 2013, Simen was running a software methods focused consultancy […]
How Playing Lean helped laun an innovative business advice service for SMEs

Design for Service is a consultancy company that has backed Playing Lean twice on Kickstarter. This is a guest post by Sean Buckland, owner of the company and his case study. How Design for Service came to sponsor Playing Lean Playing Lean 1 was the first Kickstarter I backed. I’d just read the Lean Startup by Eric Ries […]