Insight into the business modelling facilitator training

We’ve wrapped up our business modelling webinars with an insight into the upcoming Business Modelling Facilitator training which is launching soon! In the last two weeks we went through why business modelling is more important than ever, and we also discussed how to go from theory to practice without committing murder. With these webinars we wanted to explain why […]
Business modelling: from theory to practice

In just two weeks we are launching our new Business Modelling Facilitator training. We have received a lot of questions about it, so we thought it would be best to hold three webinars on the topic of business modelling, and answer your questions. On Tuesday, we held our second webinar, Business modelling: From theory to practice, and […]
Why business modelling is more important than ever

In just two weeks we are going to launch our new Business Modelling Facilitator training. This has been a frequent request from our Facilitators, and now it seems to be more important than ever. To warm up, we are giving you a series of three webinars on the subject. BUSINESS MODELLING DURING THE EPIDEMIC 2020 has […]
The Business Model Canvas explained

Have you ever wondered why are there so many canvases out there? It seems like every consultant or boutique agency in the innovation space has at least one. Well, we can blame that on the success of the business model canvas. The bad boy that started it all. In the ancient 2000s Alexander Osterwalder published […]
Learning is not mandatory

If your innovation teams are not creating reusable knowledge then they are creating waste by (most likely accidentally) discarding knowledge! Remember, kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down! — is an appropriate quote from Adam Savage that comes to my mind. In order to eliminate discarding knowledge, Ward and Sobek advise us […]
Doing innovation coaching remote

With a week’s notice, major parts of the business world were told to start working from home. The rest have to practice “social distancing”. Neither are very compatible with old fashioned workshops or face to face conversations, the bread and butter of innovation coaching. Faced with this new reality, we must all move our work […]
Lean Startup fundamentals

How did Lean Startup come to be? Triumph of the Lean Production System by John Krafcik is the first paper on what is today known as Lean Thinking. It came out of the MIT International Motor Vehicle Program, as a part of the research for the book The Machine That Changed the World. Numerous other books followed, but as Michael […]
Bruno’s favourite canvases for strategy, experimentation, and customer experience

There are so many canvases out there that it is ridiculous. And most of them are just flat out bad, without any consideration of using it as a visual inquiry tool. Yves Pigneur counts conceptual model (ontology), shared visualisation (empty problem spaces), and directions for use (great UX) as the most important design principles of […]
Best books to master the Lean Startup

If you want to master the Lean Startup you need to have the right mindset, processes and tools. With a deluge of books it is difficult to understand which are worth your time, and will actually get you somewhere. I consider the following five books to be the fastest way to develop your mastery of […]