Clash of the social networks: Myspace’s failure to innovate

Myspace was one of the first social networking sites to reach mass adoption, and at one point it even outranked Google as the most visited site on the internet. It was founded in 2003 by several eUniverse employees who were inspired by Friendster, and wanted to make a social networking site of their own realizing […]

How Playing Lean helped laun an innovative business advice service for SMEs

Design for Service is a consultancy company that has backed Playing Lean twice on Kickstarter. This is a guest post by Sean Buckland, owner of the company and his case study. How Design for Service came to sponsor Playing Lean Playing Lean 1 was the first Kickstarter I backed. I’d just read the Lean Startup by Eric Ries […]

Case Study: Mentive’s lean project

This is a guest post by Mentive – a company that has supported us in creating Playing Lean 2. Mentive is a Mexican startup that builds Digital Solutions focused on the e-commerce industry and provides services to boost sales for small and medium businesses. Its main purpose is to develop and grow in-house projects to create new sales […]