

False negative and false positive are two terms that can cause a lot of discussions and misunderstandings. To put is as simple as possible, a...


So, you have identified, listed, and described your customer’s top 3 problems through structured Problem Interviews. Now your next step is to assess how are your...


Together with Olav Loen we are now working on a digital version on Playing Lean. In this process we want to “practice what we preach” and have...


Even the birds up on the trees know that Twitter was launched in 2006 and that today it is one of the leading social networks...


Figuring out what problems you are solving can be hard. It may help to think about what “job” you are “hiring” a product to do...


Trevor Owens, CEO and Founder, describes Lean Startup Machine as a start-up boot-camp that follows a rigorous process, bringing some of the best start-up mentors in your community...


Before creating and growing Facebook into a social networking behemoth it is today, with more than 13 000 employees and over 1 billion active users, Mark Zuckerberg...


The concept of pivoting is explicitly mentioned in several Experiment Cards. Some players have experienced having to change their product a lot during the game....


IDENTIFYING AN ITCH AKA: Why are we doing a Problem Interview The goal of the problem interview is to figure who the early adopters of...

Insight into the business modelling facilitator training

Insight into the business modelling facilitator training

We’ve wrapped up our business modelling webinars with an insight into the upcoming Business Modelling Facilitator…

Business modelling: from theory to practice

Business modelling: from theory to practice

In just two weeks we are launching our new Business Modelling Facilitator training. We have received…

Why business modelling is more important than ever

Why business modelling is more important than ever

In just two weeks we are going to launch our new Business Modelling Facilitator training. This…

The Business Model Canvas explained

The Business Model Canvas explained

Have you ever wondered why are there so many canvases out there?  It seems like…

Learning is not mandatory

Learning is not mandatory

If your innovation teams are not creating reusable knowledge then they are creating waste by…

Doing innovation coaching remote

Doing innovation coaching remote

With a week’s notice, major parts of the business world were told to start working…


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